Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Our Lego Project

Life-Saving Robots
by Dennis, Bill, Lucca, Dylan, and Enoch
Our project is going to be about life-saving robots that will be placed in the building so that if an earthquake strikes they can locate people and maybe even bring supplies. The robots could also open up communication with relief forces in order to find and save the buried people. Also, they would be in the building to start with so that there would be no problem getting in. Also there would be multiple robots per building because one might be damaged not all would necessarily be. The robots would preferably be flying, not land transported creations because if the building has multiple floors the elevator or stairs might be broken so the robots could fly up to bring supplies to people. It would also be good so that if any people are unable to get survival supplies these robots will bring them what they need. The robot should be able to open up contact with other humans in case they are in great medical need or can’t get out of a damaged building. Also, this would prevent human life being lost trying to save the people if the building was unstable or unbalanced, as if the building fell over or the ceiling collapsed. There would be multiple types of robots, one to help the people, the second to secure the building from further damage.  

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